“Pharmacist Career and Public Health Awareness”: An Outreach Initiative Program


On 23 January 2024, the Pharmacy Students Association (PHARSA), Lincoln University College (LUC), Malaysia organized a remarkable event titled “Pharmacist Career and Public Health Awareness” at SMK Raja Muda Musa in Bestari Jaya, Selangor.

The event provided a valuable opportunity for pharmacy students to connect and explore various aspects of skills. The program was thoughtfully designed to meet three key objectives: educating and sharing knowledge with the community, encouraging teamwork and building meaningful social connections among participants.

Dr. Ahmad Syamil, a representative from the Faculty of Pharmacy, LUC, addressed the audience on the crucial topic of smoking and vaping cessation. His presentation provided students and teachers of SMK Raja Muda Musa with essential knowledge and strategies to tackle smoking and vaping habits, highlighting the importance of public health initiatives in combating these harmful practices.


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