Friendly Badminton Match


Yesterday 10/3/2015 (Tuesday) at Taman Megah Badminton Court, LUC organized a friendly Badminton Match with Malaysian Immigration Department. Our players including the CEO participated in this match. Special thanks to Mr. Shafirol for the arrangement, Dr. Norman Madsen & those who came to encourage the players.

We were defeated in almost all games, but we won their hearts and the most important thing that we created a positive relationship with them.

Good job guys & get ready for the upcoming friendly match!

Special thanks to…

1) Dr. Amiya (CEO) & Momen (Account) 
2) Hidayat (H&C) & Aminul (Chancellery)
3) Vitalis (Pharmacy) & Jerry (Marketing)
4) Fadly (Account) & Bimal (Administration)
5) Momen (Account) & Shamim (IT)
6) Vasu & Bikram (Administration)
7) Rashidul (Administration) & Duke (Nursing)

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